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This Data provides general information. It is based solely on the records available in database, that selectively includes public art sales results as published or collected from Art Auction Houses in Canada. assumes no liability for the information given being complete or correct.
Due to varying update cycles, searches can display more up-to-date records than data referenced on this page.

Price range 500,000 - 50,000,000 (2015)

Artist Lots Value CAD
Lawren Stewart Harris 3 9,381,000
Jean-Paul Riopelle 3 2,360,000
Paul-Émile Borduas 2 1,244,900
Alexander (Alex) Colville 1 1,888,000
Emily Carr 1 1,534,000
Thomas John (Tom) Thomson 1 1,298,000
Jean Paul Lemieux 1 719,800

Price range 100,000 - 500,000 (2015)

Artist Lots Value CAD
Emily Carr 7 1,425,600
William Kurelek 5 1,024,900
Jack Hamilton Bush 5 790,300
Jean Paul Lemieux 3 509,398
Gordon Applebee Smith 3 365,800
Bernard Buffet 2 613,600
Ivan Kenneth Eyre 2 460,200
Roy Lichtenstein 2 241,900
Alexander Young (A. Y.) Jackson 1 472,000
Paul-Émile Borduas 1 460,200
Barbara Hepworth 1 342,200
Guido Molinari 1 247,800
Edward John (E. J.) Hughes 1 247,800
David Browne Milne 1 220,660
James Edward Hervey (J.E.H.) MacDonald 1 200,600
René Magritte 1 188,800
Frederick Arthur Verner 1 188,800
Jack Leaonard Shadbolt 1 177,000
Frederick Horseman Varley 1 165,200
Montague J. Dawson 1 160,000
Paul Peel 1 141,600
Alfred Joseph (A.J.) Casson 1 129,800
Christopher John Pratt 1 129,800
Sybil Andrews 1 129,800
Bess Larkin Housser Harris 1 129,800

Price range 50,000 - 100,000 (2015)

Artist Lots Value CAD
Alfred Joseph (A.J.) Casson 6 410,640
William Kurelek 5 345,150
David Browne Milne 3 233,050
Robert Wakeham Pilot 3 230,100
Alexander Young (A. Y.) Jackson 3 218,300
Emily Carr 3 206,300
Arthur Lismer 3 203,550
Jean-Philippe Dallaire 2 171,100
Frank (Franz) Hans Johnston 2 159,300
James Edward Hervey (J.E.H.) MacDonald 2 132,750
Lawren Stewart Harris 2 129,800
Takao Tanabe 2 129,800
Gordon Applebee Smith 2 126,850
Frederick Horseman Varley 2 122,720
Cyril Edward Power 1 95,000
Frederick Arthur Verner 1 94,400
Auguste Rodin 1 94,400
John Graham Coughtry 1 88,500
Jean Paul Lemieux 1 82,600
Willam Smith Ronald 1 82,600
Jack Hamilton Bush 1 82,600
Pierre Gauvreau 1 82,600
Jack Leaonard Shadbolt 1 82,600
Jean Albert McEwen 1 82,600
Sybil Andrews 1 76,700

Price range 25,000 - 50,000 (2015)

Artist Lots Value CAD
Alexander Young (A. Y.) Jackson 17 621,930
Alfred Joseph (A.J.) Casson 8 298,310
William Kurelek 5 173,310
Kazuo Nakamura 4 123,900
Jack Hamilton Bush 3 118,100
Maurice Galbraith Cullen 3 117,625
Walter Joseph (W.J.) Phillips 3 109,150
Albert Henry Robinson 3 105,610
Frederick Horseman Varley 3 100,300
Sybil Andrews 3 98,300
Frank (Franz) Hans Johnston 3 96,170
Marcelle Ferron 3 94,400
Jean Albert McEwen 3 87,320
Willam Smith Ronald 3 84,370
Arthur Lismer 2 91,450
Jean-Philippe Dallaire 2 85,550
Franklin H. Carmichael 2 82,600
Andy Warhol 2 82,600
Peter Clapham (P.C.) Sheppard 2 80,240
John Meredith 2 77,880
Léon Bellefleur 2 77,880
James Edward Hervey (J.E.H.) MacDonald 2 76,700
John William (J.W.) Beatty 2 73,500
Rita Letendre 2 68,440
Frederick Arthur Verner 2 68,350

Price range 10,000 - 25,000 (2015)

Artist Lots Value CAD
Alexander Young (A. Y.) Jackson 17 312,260
Alfred Joseph (A.J.) Casson 13 271,860
Arthur Lismer 11 190,120
John Geoffrey Caruthers Little 9 135,110
Frank (Franz) Hans Johnston 9 134,780
Jack Leaonard Shadbolt 8 129,610
Walter Joseph (W.J.) Phillips 8 123,660
Maud Kathleen Lewis 7 87,625
Nicholas (Nickola) de Grandmaison 6 110,570
Ted Harrison 6 104,820
Jean-Paul Riopelle 6 98,760
Gordon Applebee Smith 6 84,960
John William (J.W.) Beatty 5 87,320
Maurice Galbraith Cullen 5 83,620
William Kurelek 5 83,330
Léon Bellefleur 5 70,970
Daphne Odjig 4 68,280
Clarence Alphonse Gagnon 4 65,280
Judas Ullulaq 4 64,900
Robert Wakeham Pilot 4 61,290
William Hodd (Bill) McElcheran 4 60,180
Alexander (Alex) Colville 4 57,820
John Young Johnstone 4 56,640
Randolph Stanley Hewton 4 56,285
Marc-Aurèle Fortin 4 53,000
Jean Paul Lemieux 3 53,690
Sybil Andrews 3 48,290
James Edward Hervey (J.E.H.) MacDonald 3 45,570
Harold Barling Town 3 44,780
William Paterson Ewen 3 44,250
Albert Henry Robinson 3 43,360
David Browne Milne 3 42,979
Paul-Émile Borduas 3 38,940
Sorel Etrog 3 37,760
Illingworth Holey (Buck) Kerr 3 36,530
Clark Holmes Mcdougall 2 48,120
Andy Warhol 2 39,770
William (Bill) Perehudoff 2 38,940
Jack Hamilton Bush 2 36,580
Claude Flight 2 35,400
Edwin Headley Holgate 2 35,400
Marcelle Ferron 2 34,220
Jacques Hurtubise 2 33,630
William Percival (W.P.) Weston 2 31,860
Reynolds Beal 2 31,000
Frederick Simpson Coburn 2 30,680
Anne (Annie) Douglas Savage 2 30,560
Marc-Aurèle de Foy Suzor-Coté 2 28,338
Paul Jenkins 2 28,320
Charles Fraser Comfort 2 27,140

Price range 5,000 - 10,000 (2015)

Artist Lots Value CAD
Walter Joseph (W.J.) Phillips 14 92,988
Frank (Franz) Hans Johnston 13 93,812
Maud Kathleen Lewis 9 67,885
Alan Caswell Collier 8 61,615
Christopher John Pratt 7 56,640
Marc-Aurèle Fortin 7 55,090
Manly Edward MacDonald 7 54,605
Doris Jean McCarthy 7 44,604
Stanley Morel Cosgrove 6 41,315
Lawren Stewart Harris 5 34,692
Robert Wakeham Pilot 5 33,447
John William (J.W.) Beatty 5 30,877
Norval H. Morrisseau 5 29,385
William (Bill) Perehudoff 5 27,100
Ted Harrison 4 34,440
Illingworth Holey (Buck) Kerr 4 31,156
David Lloyd Blackwood 4 26,255
Allen Fredrick Sapp 4 25,265
Willam Smith Ronald 3 27,140
Benjamin Chee Chee 3 25,960
Gordon Applebee Smith 3 23,600
Jessie Oonark 3 22,420
Marcelle Ferron 3 21,830
James Edward Hervey (J.E.H.) MacDonald 3 21,830
Frederick Arthur Verner 3 21,340
David Wayne Bolduc 3 20,430
Léon Bellefleur 3 20,009
René Jean Richard 3 19,995
Mary Frances West Pratt 3 19,936
Edward Burtynsky 2 19,890
Marcella Maltais 2 18,515
John Geoffrey Caruthers Little 2 17,630
Frederick Horseman Varley 2 17,110
Takao Tanabe 2 16,520
William Goodridge Roberts 2 16,520
Joseph (Joe) Francis Plaskett 2 16,520
Paul Vanier Beaulieu 2 16,520
Frederick Simpson Coburn 2 16,420
Ross Ellsworth Penhall 2 15,930
Pablo Ruiz Picasso 2 15,440
Henry Evaluardjuk 2 15,340
Niviaqsi 2 15,340
Nicolas Johannes Bott 2 15,340
Toni (Norman) Onley 2 15,045
Alexander (Alex) Colville 2 14,960
Arthur Shilling 2 14,880
Jacques Godefroy de Tonnancour 2 14,808
Charlie Ugyuk 2 14,750
Marion Long 2 14,670
Robert Brackman 2 14,500

Price range 1,000 - 5,000 (2015)

Artist Lots Value CAD
Walter Joseph (W.J.) Phillips 37 102,165
Roland Gissing 33 63,392
Norval H. Morrisseau 28 66,491
Allen Fredrick Sapp 27 68,499
Alan Caswell Collier 23 54,177
Henri Leopold Masson 21 52,885
Willam Smith Ronald 21 38,567
William Kurelek 20 41,930
Manly Edward MacDonald 19 55,872
Jack Leaonard Shadbolt 18 43,732
Horace Champagne 18 37,161
Stanley Morel Cosgrove 17 47,868
René Jean Richard 16 37,588
William Arthur Winter 16 34,048
David Lloyd Blackwood 15 45,600
William Goodridge Roberts 15 43,116
Rod Charlesworth 14 27,583
Robert Douglas Genn 14 25,527
Frederic Martlett Bell-Smith 13 35,384
Illingworth Holey (Buck) Kerr 12 36,454
Marc-Aurèle de Foy Suzor-Coté 12 34,673
Dorothy Elsie Knowles 11 24,330
Thomas Keith (Tom) Roberts 11 21,345
Herbert Sidney Palmer 11 21,328
Ralph Wallace Burton 11 18,684
Frederick Arthur Verner 10 26,830
Carl Ray 10 26,415
Berthe Des Clayes 10 24,872
Kenojuak Ashevak 10 22,320
Jesus Carlos de Vilallonga 10 19,238
Armand Tatossian 10 17,894
William (Bill) Duma 10 12,484
Doris Jean McCarthy 9 24,296
Frank Shirley Panabaker 9 21,862
Joachim "Joe" George Gauthier 9 20,960
Jean-Paul Jérôme 9 20,930
Molly Joan Lamb Bobak 9 19,790
Bruno Joseph Bobak 9 19,004
Yves Gaucher 9 18,220
Anne Meredith Barry 9 16,279
Roy Leadbeater 9 14,887
Homer Ransford Watson 8 23,438
Arthur Lismer 8 18,447
Alexander Young (A. Y.) Jackson 8 17,700
Arto Yuzbasiyan 8 16,071
Léon Bellefleur 8 16,060
Peter Clapham (P.C.) Sheppard 8 13,283
Peter Maxwell Ewart 8 13,094
Alex Simeon Janvier 7 23,790
John William (J.W.) Beatty 7 23,234