Thomas [Tom] DeVany Forrestall

Canadian (1936)

Thomas [Tom] DeVany Forrestall is a Canadian artist.
Based on records, Thomas [Tom] DeVany Forrestall's estimated art value is C$10,000 (*)

Thomas [Tom] DeVany Forrestall's work could be available for sale through Art Galleries or at public auction with prices in the range of C$5,000 - C$25,000, or even much higher.

From records, the highest price paid at auction for an art work attributed to Thomas [Tom] DeVany Forrestall (1936) was C$12,000 - paid for "Preparations For The Pig, 1969" at Waddington's in Toronto on Thu, Dec 10, 2020. has 38 auction art sale records for their art results, with prices in the range of C$5,000 to C$25,000.

Waddington's Auction House Biography and Notes

On the reverse of this lot, three possible titles have been suggested by Thomas Forrestall (b.1936), however, a note on the reverse from the artist further encourages the viewer to "Give it your own title". Forrestall also provides the following information there: "Horses are wonderful. They draw me to them, not to ride or own but to be a witness. Many years ago I saw a rider take a tumble from a horse. No one was hurt but the incident stayed with me. I was a witness. As with most of what I create, standing back and taking it all in, one thing piles upon another, and then 2 or 3 more join up in my imagination and I get going. "Imagination is greater than knowledge" A great quote from someone, and it so applies in creating art. If you don't know the thing too well there's room for imagination and poetry (in paint) to take over and carry the whole thing off. Too much knowledge would stifle the art and the mystery of it all. Too much knowledge would turn me off, turn me against it. There's a magic point in preliminary studies where there's not too much actual facts that would dampen inspiration but enough to light the fire and behold the vision aglow. For better or worse I must make the creation my own. Too much knowledge, like a photograph, robs me of this possession, this control. I must occupy it. My painting sometimes uses photographs but they never, thank heaven, look like one... Distance has always been an ingredient in my art. There's always a personal connection to what I do. This is important but distance has to be there... Know too much and knowledge rules. Whenever I start to paint it's done with no idea how to do it, or how it will finish."

(*) Value is calculated as an average of the top art sale records from database.
This information is not intended to substitute professional advice.
To estimate the value of a specific artwork created by Thomas [Tom] DeVany Forrestall, follow some of the advice from our Valuating art page, or contact an art specialist if our automated estimate value is greater than C$2,500.