Ross Ellsworth Penhall

Ross Ellsworth Penhall is a Canadian painter.
Based on records, Ross Ellsworth Penhall's estimated art value is CAD $10,000 (*)

Ross Ellsworth Penhall's work could be available for sale through Art Galleries or at public auction with prices in the range of CAD $2,500 - $50,000, or even much higher.

From records, the highest price paid at auction for an oil painting work attributed to Ross Ellsworth Penhall (1959) was CAD $43,250 - paid for "Evergreen and Grass" at Heffel in Vancouver on Thu, May 27, 2021. has 74 auction art sale records for their oil painting results, with prices in the range of CAD $2,500 - $50,000.

Notable Art Works

Heffel Auction House Biography and Notes

The Grapevine is from a new series of paintings by Ross Penhall called Here and There (Along the Line), in which he depicts subjects such as West Coast mountains, prairie foothills and this scene from California. The Grapevine is a section of I5 that winds through a valley before going up into the mountains, then descending toward Los Angeles. Typical of his work, Penhall depicts the landscape with a stylized and lush treatment of landscape that brings out its verdant beauty. Looking down from far above, rich velvety-green hills undulate out to the horizon, and light plays across them, highlighting areas of bright green which are contrasted by the darkening hills in the distance. The ribbon of the road curves through the landscape, creating an entry way into the scene. The long horizontal format shows the long lines of the hills and gives the viewer an experience of open space, something that is quite euphoric.

(*) Value is calculated as an average of the top oil painting sale records from database.
This information is not intended to substitute professional advice.
To estimate the value of a specific artwork created by Ross Ellsworth Penhall, follow some of the advice from our Valuating art page, or contact an art specialist if our automated estimate value is greater than C$2,500.