Paul Alexander Goranson
Canadian (1911 - 2002)
Paul Alexander Goranson was a Canadian artist.
Based on records, Paul Alexander Goranson's estimated art value is C$5,000 (*)
Paul Alexander Goranson's work could be available for sale at public auction with prices in the range of C$2,500 - C$10,000, or even much higher.
From records, the highest price paid at auction for an etching work attributed to Paul Alexander Goranson (1911-2002) was C$9,200 - paid for "BC Purse Seiners" at Heffel in Vancouver on Thu, May 25, 2006. has 31 auction art sale records for their etching results, with prices in the range of C$2,500 to C$10,000. has 31 auction art sale records for their etching results, with prices in the range of C$2,500 to C$10,000.
Heffel Auction House Biography and Notes
Included with lot is a letter from Paul Goranson's wife regarding this painting and the origin of this image, in which she writes, "My husband Paul Goranson painted the 'Haunted House' fifteen years ago. We used to walk past this house, and Paul was drawn to its unusual appearance, which inspired him to paint it with a Halloween theme. It was just a fun piece for him and very different from the other work he had been doing at the time."