Margaret Priest

Canadian (1944)

Margaret Priest is a Canadian artist.
Based on records, Margaret Priest's estimated art value is C$10,000 (*)

Margaret Priest's work could be available for sale through Art Galleries or at public auction with prices in the range of C$10,000 - C$25,000, or even much higher.

From records, the highest price paid at auction for a pencil drawing work attributed to Margaret Priest (1944) was C$12,500 - paid for "Playing with Aldo #3 - A Woman's Study" at Heffel in Vancouver on Thu, Jan 30, 2020. has 16 auction art sale records for their pencil drawing results, with prices in the range of C$10,000 to C$25,000.

Waddington's Auction House Biography and Notes

British-born Margaret Priest is an esteemed artist and educator who currently resides in Toronto and is Professor Emeritus at the University of Guelph. Her artistic practice has long been concerned with issues of space and urbanity. Her four decades of work include numerous solo and group shows, publications and significant public art projects. Her work is in the permanent collections of the Tate Gallery, London, the Arts Council of Great Britain and in important public galleries in Canada, including the Art Gallery of Ontario and the Art Gallery of Hamilton. 

(*) Value is calculated as an average of the top pencil drawing sale records from database.
This information is not intended to substitute professional advice.
To estimate the value of a specific artwork created by Margaret Priest, follow some of the advice from our Valuating art page, or contact an art specialist if our automated estimate value is greater than C$2,500.