Mabel Nigiyok
Inuit (1938)
Mabel Nigiyok is an Inuit artist.
From records, the highest price paid at auction for a silkscreen work attributed to Mabel Nigiyok (1938) was C$519 - paid for "Dream Come True" at Saskatchewan NAC in Regina on Sat, May 16, 2020. has 22 auction art sale records for their silkscreen results, with prices in the range of C$50 to C$1,000. has 22 auction art sale records for their silkscreen results, with prices in the range of C$50 to C$1,000.
Mabel Nigiyok was born in 1938 on Holman Island, Northwest Territories, Canada. She began learning stencil printmaking in the Holman printshop in 1981, and her work was published the following year. She has since become one of its most productive artists and printmakers, with 63 of her drawings produced as prints. Her works are inspired by her early life on the land.