Lily Osman Adams
Canadian (1865 - 1945)
Lily Osman Adams was a Canadian painter.
Based on records, Lily Osman Adams's estimated art value is C$500 (*)
Lily Osman Adams's work could be available for sale at public auction with prices in the range of C$250 - C$1,000, or even much higher.
From records, the highest price paid at auction for an oil painting work attributed to Lily Osman Adams (1865-1945) was C$561 - paid for "Georgetown" at Cowley Abbott in Toronto on Wed, Jun 26, 2019. has 15 auction art sale records for their oil painting results, with prices in the range of C$250 to C$1,000. has 15 auction art sale records for their oil painting results, with prices in the range of C$250 to C$1,000.