Kent Monkman
Kent Monkman is a Canadian artist.
Based on records, Kent Monkman's estimated art value is CAD $100,000 (*)
Kent Monkman's work could be available for sale through Art Galleries or at public auction with prices in the range of CAD $100,000 - $250,000, or even much higher. has 20 auction art sale records for their art results, with prices in the range of CAD $100,000 - $250,000.
Notable Art Works
Heffel Auction House Biography and Notes
Kent Monkman's alter ego, Miss Chief Eagle Testickle, has escorted the artist on his rise to international acclaim. As a recurring figure in Monkman's work, the chiseled Miss Chief opens up discussions regarding historical paintings and any Eurocentric narratives they may project. In Kiss the Sky, she is dominant amidst the classical background and is accompanied by three winged males, a reference to the Greek mythological tale of Icarus. Icarus attempted to escape from Crete by using wings that his father constructed from feathers and wax. Disoriented by his attempt to conquer the skies, Icarus disobeyed his father's instructions and flew too close to the sun, ultimately melting the wax and causing Icarus to fall to his death. The tale is commonly associated with failed ambition - a myth Monkman is undeniably making reference to. By contrasting the faltering figures with the heroic, manicured stance of Miss Chief, Monkman (who is of Cree and Irish descent) is questioning the classical representations of the relationship between the native and non-native population. Monkman skillfully presents such questions without lecturing - with only a smirk and a gentle nudge.