Dan Christensen

American (1942 - 2007)
Dan Christensen was an American artist.
From ArtValue.ca records, the highest price paid at auction for an etching work attributed to Dan Christensen (1942-2007) was C$360 - paid for "One For Jack, 1984" at BYDealers in Montréal on Tue, Apr 19, 2022.
ArtValue.ca has 7 auction art sale records for their etching results, with prices in the range of C$250 to C$500.

Saskatchewan NAC Auction House Biography and Notes

Dan Christensen was an American abstract painter born in Nebraska, USA in 1942. He graduated from the Kansas City Art Institute in 1964 and moved to New York City in 1965. He was represented by important commercial galleries like the Andre Emmerich Gallery, and the Salander-O'Reilly Gallery. He had over 75 solo exhibitions throughout his career, and his work can be found in many important public collections, including Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York), Hirshhorn Museum (Washington), Art Institute of Chicago, Art Gallery of Alberta (Edmonton) and the Museum of Modern Art (New York). Dan Christensen died in 2007, in East Hampton, New York.

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