Audrey Elaine Garwood
Audrey Elaine Garwood was a Canadian painter.
Based on records, Audrey Elaine Garwood's estimated art value is C$1,000 (*)
Audrey Elaine Garwood's work could be available for sale at public auction with prices in the range of C$500 - C$2,500, or even much higher. has 14 auction art sale records for their acrylic painting results, with prices in the range of C$500 to C$2,500.
Cowley Abbott Auction House Biography and Notes
A graduate of the Ontario College of Art, Audrey Garwood received a scholarship to pursue postgraduate studies at the Rijks Academie in Amsterdam, after which she attended La Grande Chaumiere in Paris, France. A member and exhibitor with the Ontario Society of Artists, the Royal Canadian Academy, and the Women's Caucus of the Arts, Garwood received numerous awards, including the Sterling Trust Award for Canadian painters, the Canadian Society of Printmakers Print Award, and the San Francisco Art Festival's Purchase award. With a career spanning over fifty years, Garwood was the subject of over twenty-five solo shows. In 1956, she was the youngest individual (and first woman) to win the prized Forester Award of the Ontario Society of Artists.