Explore the Secondary Art Market in Canada
Get an idea of how much a piece of art is worth before buying or selling
An easy way to find Canadian Art auction prices and results

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of your Art
Compare the artwork from your collection to artist's other works sold at auction in the last several years across Canada.
Browse public sale records to find out how many lots were up for sale, and how the artist's prices compare with other related artists.
Get to know which art medium, subject matter or the specific period in the artist's style evolvement sells better.
Frequently Asked Questions
We have collected over 192,000 auction sale results from events held by major Art Auction Houses in Canada, since 2001. Though most of these records are still publicly available online, our data set is easily searchable by artist's name, and the results can be organized and filtered by several criteria. The data set does not contain records from Art Galleries or other private sales.
Our auction sale records clearly identify the artwork by title, dimensions, markings, the creation date and a catalog image. The subcribers to our services also have access to the auction house's estimates, the hammer price plus the buyer premium, the sale date, along with the auction catalogue lot details, such as Provenance, Literature, Exhibitions and sale Notes.
We calculate and provide an artist value to give art collectors an idea of the price range the artist's work could sell for. This value is automatically calculated when we add more sale records to the data set, and it is based on the top sales. Along with the artist value, we provide the highest realized sale price and the number of records we have analyzed.
The subscription plans we provide cost a fraction of what international websites charge.
While international websites charge a monthly subscription fee, our lifetime membership plans are paid in one-time payment.
Aside from providing access to sale prices, our services include an art value estimation tool,
a Chrome browser plugin for easily looking up an artist, and relevant Canadian Secondary Art Maket Data general information.