Harold Elmer Feist

Canadian (1945 - 2021)

Harold Elmer Feist was a Canadian painter.
Based on ArtValue.ca records, Harold Elmer Feist's estimated art value is C$1,000 (*)

Harold Elmer Feist's work could be available for sale at public auction with prices in the range of C$100 - C$5,000, or even much higher.

From ArtValue.ca records, the highest price paid at auction for an acrylic painting work attributed to Harold Elmer Feist (1945-2021) was C$4,130 - paid for "Turning Point" at Heffel in Vancouver on Thu, Feb 25, 2016.
ArtValue.ca has 34 auction art sale records for their acrylic painting results, with prices in the range of C$100 to C$5,000.

Waddington's Auction House Biography and Notes

Texas-born and Toronto-based, Harold Feist is a senior Canadian abstract painter, whose modulated surfaces span the colour spectrum from subtle to bold. Feist's early works such as Baja (1971) explore the possibilities of the grid, while later investigations take up the form of the spoked wheel and the fan. Recent paintings – Excolo (2010) and Heat Wave (2011) – are poured, washed, dripped, and layered, exulting in the liquid washes of paint across the canvas's surface. Feist's career was showcased in a 2011 exhibition and catalogue, Between Decisiveness and Discovery: The Paintings of Harold Feist, held in Vancouver and Toronto. Among his other extensive exhibitions, he participated in 2001's notable assembly of masterworks, Clement Greenberg: A Critic's Collection. The famous modernist writer's personal selection is just one of the dozens of private and public collections worldwide to include Feist's work, which has toured Canada, the U.S, and Europe in group and solo exhibitions.

(*) Value is calculated as an average of the top acrylic painting sale records from ArtValue.ca database.
This information is not intended to substitute professional advice.
To estimate the value of a specific artwork created by Harold Elmer Feist, follow some of the advice from our Valuating art page, or contact an art specialist if our automated estimate value is greater than C$2,500.