Greg Kessler

American (1966)

Greg Kessler is an American painter.
Based on records, Greg Kessler's estimated art value is C$700 (*)

Greg Kessler's work could be available for sale through Art Galleries or at public auction with prices in the range of C$500 - C$1,000, or even much higher.

From records, the highest price paid at auction for an oil painting work attributed to Greg Kessler (1966) was C$826 - paid for "Untitled" at Saskatchewan NAC in Regina on Sun, Sep 24, 2023. has 6 auction art sale records for their oil painting results, with prices in the range of C$500 to C$1,000.

Saskatchewan NAC Auction House Biography and Notes

Greg Kessler is a visual artist based in New York City. He studied at Corcoran School of Art (Washington DC) before completing his BFA at Carnegie-Mellon University College of Fine Arts (Pittsburgh) and his MFA at Yale University School of Art (New Haven) in 1990. He has taught at the City University (New York), New York University, Massachusetts College of Art, and Concordia University (Montreal). Most recently he has been a Teaching Artist at Vermont College of Fine Arts and Adjunct Professor at Columbia University. KesslerâÀ™s work has been widely exhibited across the United States and beyond, including solo shows at George Billis Gallery (New York), WAX Gallery (Brooklyn), RoGallery (Long Island), Adair Margo Gallery (El Paso TX), Westbeth Gallery (New York), Halka Gallery (Instanbul, Turkey) and Monmouth Cultural Centre, New Jersey.

(*) Value is calculated as an average of the top oil painting sale records from database.
This information is not intended to substitute professional advice.
To estimate the value of a specific artwork created by Greg Kessler, follow some of the advice from our Valuating art page, or contact an art specialist if our automated estimate value is greater than C$2,500.